Join Janet Ullman from the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust for an illustrated talk and Q&A session about one of Scotland’s most elusive creatures.
The adder is a familiar sight around South Skye, basking on footpaths and rocks, just catching a few rays of dappled sunlight under heather and bracken. These short, stocky snakes, famous for their zigzag back markings, are the UK’s only venomous snake, but their shy and timid nature makes them an unlikely cause of harm to anyone larger than a mouse. They are extremely sensitive to the vibrations of us walking, preferring to abandon a sun-bathing position and dive for cover, so it is a matter of luck to see one at all.
At this event, Janet Ullman from the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust (ARC) and the Saving Scotland’s Amphibians and Reptiles project will give a brief insight into the life of these elusive creatures, debunking a few myths and giving advice on how to share the heaths and moors with adders. She will also compare adders to the legless lizard the slow-worm, which also abounds locally, and which people can mistake for a snake.
Adder population numbers are decreasing across Scotland and currently Janet is surveying for adders on the Clan Donald estate for the Scottish National Adder Survey.
Janet will answer your questions about adders and discuss ways to see them safely. She will also be available to discuss ways to survey and record adders, as well as how we can all help to preserve their habitats. Any records or photos of adders you would like to share at the evening would be welcomed.
The event is free and takes place at the Stables at Armadale Castle at 6pm on Wednesday 24 August. There is no need to book.