The Clan Donald Lands Trust is excited to announce our community needs survey. Following a successful Clan fundraising campaign over the past year, in August 2023 CDLT instructed Indigo Project Solutions to carry out formal consultation with our local communities as part of a project to explore options for sustainable development on the Armadale Estate. Available in both English and Gaelic, this first survey is an important opportunity for Sleat residents to influence decision making in their local area. Further engagement opportunities will follow as the project develops.
Sir Ian Macdonald of Sleat Bt, Chair of CDLT Trustees, said, “Our local charity is both people-based and place-based. The trustees and I are proud of our recent progress to ensure our part of Skye has a viable, sustainable future for generations to come. This community survey is a vital part of shaping that collective future, and I encourage all Sleat residents and especially young people to respond.”
Alex Stoddart, CDLT’s CEO, said, “Having committed to foster community wellbeing from the beginning of my tenure as CEO, after many months of planning I am delighted to see the launch of the first of our formal community surveys. Indigo Project Solutions are highly experienced in working with community groups, and we are excited to hear the views of local people.”
Survey Information:
English version
Clan Donald Lands Trust (CDLT) are keen to work with the local community to create more social, economic and environmental opportunities on Skye. CDLT has commissioned Indigo Project Solutions to undertake an initial community survey to gather information about local community need. This will be the first step in a series of surveys and co-production activities which will explore potential options for sustainable development on the Armadale Estate. Your opinion really matters so please complete the survey, it is available in English and Gaelic on the links below:
If you are unable to complete the survey online there will be paper copies are available from Armadale Stores, An Crùbh shop and Sleat Medical Surgery which can be completed by hand and posted to us (SAE included), or we can organise for someone to call you to complete the survey over the telephone (only available in English). If you would like to complete the survey over the telephone please call Sandra Howell on 0330 0552526 to organise this.
The survey will be open until 11am on Thursday 26th October 2023. We appreciate your help with this and look forward to sharing key results with you soon.
Gaelic version
Bu mhiann le Urras Fearann Chlann Dòmhnaill (UFCD) a bhith ag obair leis a’ choimhearsnachd gus barrachd chothroman sòisealta, eaconamach agus a thaobh na h-àrainneachd a chruthachadh san Eilean Sgitheanach. Tha UFCD air coimisean a thoirt do Indigo Project Solutions gus ceisteachan a sgaoileadh am measg na coimhearsnachd airson beachdan dhaoine a thrusadh air na tha dhìth sa choimhearsnachd ionadail. Seo a’ chiad cheum ann an sreath de sgrùdaidhean is gnìomhan co-obrachaidh far am bi sinn a’ coimhead air na cothroman gus leasachaidhean seasmhach a chur an sàs air Oighreachd Armadail. Tha ur beachdan fìor chudromach, mar sin feuch gun lìon sibh an ceisteachan a-steach. Gheibh sibh e ann an Gàidhlig is Beurla gu h-ìosal:
Mura h-urrainn dhuibh an ceisteachan a fhreagairt air-loidhne, gheibh sibh lethbhreac pàipeir dheth ann am Bùth Armadail, sa bhùth aig a’ Chrùbh agus ann an Ionad-slàinte Shlèite. Faodaidh sibh am fear pàipeir a lìonadh a-steach agus a chur thugainn sa phost (gheibhear cèis le ar seòladh na chois), no faodaidh sinn cur air dòigh gum fòn cuideigin thugaibh gus an ceisteachan a fhreagairt air a’ fòn (ann am Beurla). Ma tha sibh airson na ceistean a fhreagairt air a’ fòn, feuch gun cuir sibh fòn gu Sandra Howell air 0330 0552526 airson sin a chur air dòigh.
’S e 11m Diardaoin 26 Dàmhair 2023 an ceann-latha airson an ceisteachan a thilleadh. Bhiomaid fada nur comain nam b’ urrainn dhuibh ar cuideachadh le seo agus tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith a’ sgaoileadh toraidhean an sgrùdaidh a dh’aithghearr.