Donald MacDonald Cuach Piobaireachd (Piping) Competition

Friday 12 June 2020, 7.00pm - 10.30pm

We regret this event has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus situation. We hope to reschedule for later in the year; please check website news pages and our social media for updates. 

The prestigious annual piping competition is now in its 34th year. Five leading pipers have been selected to compete in this year’s competition: Glenn Brown (2019 winner), Callum Beaumont, Stuart Liddell, Andrew Hayes and Finlay Johnston.  The competition takes place in the Stables building (Armadale Bar and Bistro).

The competition will also be filmed and streamed live on our Facebook page.

Watch last year’s competition on Facebook. You can also see highlights on Vimeo. Details of how to buy tickets will be released shortly.

Piobaireachd or Pibroch is the classical form of piping known as the ‘Great Music’ or Ceol Mor. To find out more see the ‘Introduction to Pibroch’ talk given by Dr Decker Forrest in the museum last year  – watch now on on Vimeo.