We are delighted to announce that the 2019 Clan Donald Junior Clarsàch Competition will take place at Armadale Castle on Saturday 16 March. The competition is open to all clàrsach players/learners under the age of 18. Categories and prizes Primary school age (competitors should be minimum Grade 2 standard)
- Clàrsach solo
- Clàrsach with voice
- Clàrsach duet with any other instrument
- Own composition for clàrsach
Secondary school age (competitors should be minimum Grade 3 standard)
- Clàrsach solo
- Clàrsach with voice
- Clàrsach duet with any other instrument
- Own composition for clàrsach
There will be a first prize of £50 for each competition. The winner of the Kate MacDonald Memorial Prize for Best Junior Clàrsach, awarded to the best performer on the day, will receive £200 and a targe. How to enter To enter, or for further information, please email your details to Mary Strachan by 2 March 2019. Please include your child’s name, age and which category/categories they wish to enter. Competitors should be under 18 (age at 1 June 2019). The competition will take place at the Stables Cafe, Armadale Castle at 2pm on Saturday 16 March 2019.