Junior Clarsach (Scottish Harp) competition – closing date 3 March

Posted on: 5th February 2018

A reminder that the closing date for entries to the Clan Donald Junior Clarsach competition (primary and secondary school age) is 3 March.

There are separate categories for primary and secondary school ages, for:

  • Clarsach with voice
  • Clarsach duet with any other instrument
  • Own composition for clarsach
  • Clarsach ensemble

The first prize for each competition is £50. The winner of the Kate MacDonald Memorial Prize for Best Junior Clarsach will receive £200 and a targe.

We welcome entries from across Scotland and beyond. For further information contact maryashaig@gmail.com.

The competition will take place on Saturday 24 March 2018 in Armadale Castle.